PartBC847WDescriptionNPN general purpose transistorsFeatureDISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET book , halfpage M3D102 BC846W; BC847W NPN general purpose transistors Product sp ecification Supersedes data of 1997 Ma r 27 1999 Apr 23 Philips Semiconducto rs NPN general purpose transistors Pro duct specification BC846W; BC847W FEA TURES • Low current (max. 100 mA) • Low voltage (max. 65 V). APPLICATIONS • General purpose switching and ampli fication. PINNING PIN 1 2 3 base emit ter collector DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION NPN transistor in a SC70; SOT323 plast ic package. PNP complements: BC856W and BC857W. MARKING TYPE NUMBER BC846W B C846AW BC846BW BC847W M .ManufacturePhilips